If proprietary app is better and more robust I am willing to try it and assess it myself.

  • @redcalcium
    1 year ago

    Believe it or not, I save my bitwarden 2FA on bitwarden too! I also save it on google authenticator, so I have it on two places. The reason I save it on bitwarden is to prevent losing access to the token if I lost my phone, because bitwarden allow you to unlock the vault without OPT on a know device/computer (it only ask for OTP when you login from a new device). So as long as I have one device with bitwarden, I should still be able to unlock the vault and re-login on a new phone using 2FA token from bitwarden on the other device. If I lost all my devices, then I’ll have to dig the recovery code I hid and encrypted somewhere on my google account and my primary desktop, which is quite a pain so I hope I don’t need to do this.

    • @peregus@lemmy.world
      11 year ago

      Beware that for important bug/problem/I don’t know, you could be logged out from all your devices for security reason and in that case you can login only with 2FA even on devices where you were already logged in. Keep in mind that Aegis can create encrypted backups, but you’ll have to upload them somewhere and I understand that with Bitwarden is easier.

      • @redcalcium
        11 year ago

        Well, as long as I don’t lose the phone with Google authenticator, I should still be able to login to bitwarden without digging out the recovery code.