A Chinese coastguard ship came dangerously close to a Philippine patrol ship in the South China Sea, sparking fears of a territorial dispute in the contested waters.

The Chinese ship manoeuvred and came within 4 metres of the patrol ship near the Second Thomas Shoal. One other Philippine coastguard vessel was blocked and surrounded by the Chinese coastguard and militia ships.

The altercation had dragged on for about eight hours on Wednesday after China formed a blockade in the high seas off the shoal that both nations have laid claim to.

Two supply boats being escorted by the Philippine coastguard had breached the Chinese blockade and delivered food and other supplies to a Filipino marine outpost at the shoal.

  • Pons_Aelius
    9 months ago


    Russia has been attacking or invading someone pretty constantly for the last 30 years.

    And the Israel/Palestine conflict has waxed and waned since the intifada kicked off in the late 80s.

    And china has been threatening the countries bordering the south china sea since Mao was in charge.

    And everyone has been predicting WW3 since the blockade of West Berlin in 1948.

    All I see in the same amount of tragic conflict that has been going on since, well forever.

    • @foggy@lemmy.world
      109 months ago

      If you genuinely think the current Russian war is anything like what they’ve been up to for the last 20 years…

      If you think the current situation at the Gaza strip is business as usual

      If you think the current standoff in the south China sea isn’t raising tension…

      Remind us all never to elect you to any position of power.