Statistic on the news said that 50% of the population there are under 18…

    311 year ago

    You know what? Fuck it, let’s do it. We helped create these problems, let’s help solve them. 67% of Gaza’s population is under 24, so any money we spend, we’ll like get back in tax dollars. We can set up a Palestinian relocation bureau and start a voluntary exodus. Set aside relocation into our empty ass states, with some condition that they must maintain permanent residence for 5-10 years in that state. Have a jobs program and generate a great surge of skilled labor. We might let in a few extremists, but a third of our population is already there, so a couple thousand more won’t really impact our status quo too much.

        81 year ago

        “Hey Cleetus, we should offer to let Palestinians immigrate freely to America.”

        “Hell no! My brother didnt go to Afghanistan so we can just invite the terrorists in!”

        Sing-song voice “They haaaaate jeeeeeewwws”

        “Aite I’m listenin”

      111 year ago

      I like the but enthusiasm but not all wyomingers will want neighbors, kinda like some of the indigenous Palestinians didn’t necessarily want a bunch of settlers. Hmm

        81 year ago

        Not just Wyoming, we have quite a few states that sit empty. Their opinions on the issue don’t matter. They’ll just have to make do, like they expect others to do. Like I said, we’ll make it voluntary for the Palestinians. Those who want to stay and fight the power in the apartheid state can, but those who want a chance at something else can come on over.