The IDF Spokesman Twitter account for Arabic has published guidance for Gazans to evacuate along two main roads between 10am and 4pm today (October 14th).

Translation courtesy of @hassanmckusick:

#Urgent Important statement for residents of Gaza City In recent days, we have appealed to you to leave Gaza City to the south of Wadi Gaza in order to preserve your safety. I would like to inform you that the IDF will allow movement on the indicated streets without any harm between the hours of 10:00 - 16:00. For your safety, take advantage of the short time to move towards the south - from Beit Hanoun to Khan Yunis. If you care about yourself and your loved ones, go south as instructed. Rest assured that Hamas leaders have taken care of themselves and are taking cover from strikes in the region. Residents of Al-Shati, Al-Rimal and West Al-Zaytoun will also be allowed to move on Daldul and Al-Sanaa Streets towards my street By At Saladin and the sea

Jerboa doesn’t show the link and the picture together:

        -19 months ago

        I want to know how many innocent journalists and human rights activists died by the hands of your country. Or maybe suggest some state that is up to your standards?

          19 months ago



          My country funds and provides the weapons used for these war crimes. Protesting is about all I can to stop the US from killing more journalists and amnesty workers.

            -39 months ago

            Not whataboutism, I just want to show you that your standards are infeasible. In war people die, in warzones there are casualties and bombs falling from the sky, that’s the reallity of it. If journalists or volunteers take the risk and go to a warzone, they are at risk of dying ALWAYS.

            Also, don’t lecture me about debate ethics when you refuse to read any of my arguments.

              9 months ago

              Also, don’t lecture me about debate ethics when you refuse to read any of my arguments.

              I didn’t read it because it was garbage. More words != better argument

              Edit: wait, when did I “lecture you about debate ethics”? I called out a logical fallacy I didn’t lecture you. Would you like me to show you the difference?

                09 months ago

                How can you know it was garbage if you didn’t read it? How do you prove that these arguments are garbage, other than just saying it is garbage. I agree, more words != more better, but sometimes arguments require more words.

                Personal opinion, I think you can’t handle those valid arguments. I think you know no country in the world is up to your standards. And I know that Hamas is certainly not up to your standards.

                  29 months ago

                  How can you know it was garbage if you didn’t read it?

                  Fine I read it. You didn’t make any valid arguments you just said “yeah but they give a warning”. Still doesn’t excuse killing amnesty workers. Now go away.

                    -39 months ago

                    Your double standards are very apparent. If you want to support the side that murdered children on purpose, go ahead and do so. I prefer the side that tries to lower the number of deaths, and defend their civilians.