The series of dishonored games and deathloop are all on sale right now. I got the whole series for <$30. Can’t wait to get into the series!

      121 year ago

      One of my favorite achievements I earned in the first Dishonored was the one where I snuck through the entire game undetected and didn’t kill a single person. I had to restart levels quite a bit to get it lmao.

    • Decoy321
      71 year ago

      That’s another one of the beauties of these games. Even if you don’t, you’ll still have a blast. And it makes for great replay value.

      First playthrough I didn’t mind going loud, since I could just murder everyone then take my time looting and exploring. I’d end up making the evil decisions just to stay on brand.

      Second time I could up the challenge and try all stealth and nonviolence and see where the good decisions take me.