• @Aceticon@lemmy.world
    68 months ago

    Yeah, because it’s absolutelly normal everywhere in the world for government ministers to deem a whole etnicity “human animals” and suggest nuking a neighbouring enclave and not be kicked out of that government before the day is over.

    Also the idea that a country with fighter jets, tanks and even nukes is under extential threat from a bunch of murders from with homemade rockets from a neighbouring country whose land they’ve been stealing for over half a century, would already be unbelieveable in the story of a Fantasy book, but trying to pass that as reality is really taking the piss out of everybody else.

    Go pull the other one.

    • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
      -98 months ago

      It seems like you don’t know enough about this conflict to really have an opinion.

      The existential threat would be the organized and internationally funded terrorist organization operating with impunity within Israel’s borders under the ideology of Islamic Jihad.

      The terrorists here are also supported by Iran.

      Whatever hope Palestine may have had for a Tuesday solution ended on October 7 when when Hamas sold out its people and its country in order to do 1,200 murders.

      • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        Oh man, doubling down on fantasy now with the added “YoU KNoZ noTHingZ WHiLe I KNoZ aLL” style of “argument”.

        What perfect example of the wishfull thinking and self-delusion of rabid racism overriding all traces of even the simplest logic.

        You’re really working hard at proving the point of the guy I originally answered to in this string of comments, as well as my own.

          • @Aceticon@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            Being the same line of argument as your previous post only reframed and with a falacy of guilt by association thrown in, the argument was already refuted in my last post.

            I mean, I suppose I could point out that this last post of yours relies on the idea that Muslims are all the same hence Israel is justified in attacking Palestinians because … Iran.

            But that would just be repeating myself, again and pointing out, again the racist “logic” used to tie all those actors together as “guilty as one” and hence “any of them can be targetted because the actions of any other make Israel be ‘existentially threathened’”.

            I suppose I could also point out that “the country is both strong (has nukes and the support of the greatest military power of the world) and weak (is “existencially threatened”) at the same time” is a very traditional Fascist cliché used to excuse aggression.

            You’re not exactly dispelling the whole a-lot-like-the-Nazis impression of Israel.

            • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
              -28 months ago

              The existential threat is the ideology of every country surrounded Israel, one of which is actively trying to develop its own nuclear weapons and which has sworn it will use them against Israel if it does.

      • @chrizzowski@lemmy.ca
        28 months ago

        You mean the organization that Israel influenced the creation of through decades of mistreatment and mishandling of the situation? The same one Israel is on record saying it’s a good thing as it allows Israel to treat Palestine as a hostile state? Basically exactly what they’re doing now, killing anyone and everyone and just shrugging and saying “because hamas”?

        • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
          -48 months ago

          “Israel is on record”? It’s a country. A democracy at that, inherently made up of conflicting points of view and coalitions.

          1% of the population dead = “killing anyone and everyone.”

          You sound hysterical and emotional.

          • @chrizzowski@lemmy.ca
            28 months ago

            Fine, Israel’s leader/government, as elected by its population, is on record. Does that make it better?

            1% of the population is a lot of people. That’s tens of thousands of lives cut short. Kids who’ll never grow up, families torn apart, etc. Should that not elicit emotion? There’s plenty of videos of children and unarmed people trying to surrender or otherwise being shot. Seems like anyone and everyone to me.

            Fun fact! Hysteria was originally thought to be a condition that only applied to women, hence the Greek root “hyster” for womb, as if that were the source of irrational emotion.