Countries worldwide are scrambling to secure rice after a partial ban on exports by India cut global supplies by roughly a fifth.

  • Actaeon
    3810 months ago

    Oh dear.
    Here we go again…

    Wheat and sunflowers are hobbled by the war in Ukraine; now rice. What else should I have on my global food crisis bingo card? Mad cow? Bird flu? Corn? Beans? Are we going to lose all the bananas again?

    • @redcalcium
      1210 months ago

      Soy is very important in Asia. If there were soy shortage and rice shortage at the same time, people might literally riot. US and Brazil are the big exporter of soy and fortunately soy productions seems to be good this year.

      410 months ago

      You can pick pretty much anything. Florida oranges are threatened by citrus greening. I’ve seen articles recently about several crops being threatened by climate change, like coffee and olives, but it’s certainly not limited to those. Pretty much everything is going to be affected if it isn’t already.